Here’s how it’s going …
The view down the second-floor hallway from the bathroom:
The bedroom:
Laura’s office:
Here’s how it’s going …
The view down the second-floor hallway from the bathroom:
The bedroom:
Laura’s office:
Laura’s 51st. Her first as a cancer—what? survivor, I guess (better than “victim” or “patient” or “battler” …). Postlumpectomy, prechemotherapy. At the threshold of a long ordeal.
The photo got me thinking in about eight directions at once: about vanity, internet anonymity, blogging styles … okay, maybe not eight, literally. I find that I like it when a photo of the author accompanies an article online, or appears on a blog page. It’s nice to connect a face with a voice. I also find it helps counteract the prevailing (it seems to me) attitude that the internet is a good place to make noise and not get caught. I never liked that idea. If I ever concoct some bizarre screen name, it’s because my own name has been taken. (When I Googled myself a while back, I was shocked at how famous I was—as a rodeo pilot, or artist, or music reviewer, or whatever the heck this Tim Weber is [or are].) Same with the face up there—I’m not particularly proud of it (if one can be proud of one’s God-given mug), but I’m not ashamed of it either. It’s me. I mean, it’s a photo of me. It’s what people see—or saw.
For me it’s a good reminder that people do see me, even when I don’t think I’m being seen. It may help me keep my face presentable.
I remember once at the University of Chicago I was reading in an empty room between classes. I heard a voice say: “Things can’t be that bad!” I looked up in time to see a professor of mine withdraw his head from the doorway and shuffle off down the hall. I thought: Good God, do I grimace while I read? What else is my face doing while I’m not paying attention?
Underneath it all, despite my protestations to the contrary, am I, in fact, vain? After all, I took a picture of myself. Why would someone do that? I prefer taking photos of other people and things, but every once in a while I turn the camera on myself. Often I’m testing something out, investigating a technical issue at leisure—I suppose it’s a bit like painters who paint themselves because they can’t afford to hire someone to sit for them. But why do I save the results, even when they’re crummy? I think there must be vanity here, and maybe plenty of it.
Didn’t mean to frighten any children with that picture up there. It didn’t feel right to keep using the image that came with this WordPress theme (although it was tempting—I like the image a lot, and it really goes nice with the design). I rummaged around for something that would work in a broad, narrow crop with a light color at the left (I don’t feel like fiddling with the template right now). This was the best I could do for now.
For the sake of truth in advertising, I should mention that the photo was taken on February 22, 2004. It’s a true self-portrait, shot at arm’s length with my old Nikon Coolpix 800. So as I age further, that amberized version of me will correspond less and less.
I spent much of today on two tasks:
I failed in the first task, probably because of some configuration issue at my ISP. As for the second, I found a “fix” that fixed only half the problem: it removed the bullet, but left the indentation. After poring over the style sheet for too much time, I decided to indent all the nav heads! That’ll show ’em. I’m actually quite proud of my noseless face.
Actually, the result isn’t too revolting. I would prefer that the heads lie further leftward, and I may find the :: motif gets old (everyone’s using it). C’est la vie.
This “public space” is where I/we will discuss the common weal (politics) and the culture that binds us (books, movies, sports, etc.).
Of course, nothing’s really random. Nothing comes from nowhere. We’ll use the category “Random” in the slang sense, as in “Where the hell did that come from?”
I remember when I had to generate random numbers to pick a couple of winners (we gave out iPods—well, a chance at an iPod—to people who answered a detailed questionnaire about the association’s website). I looked around for random number generators (free, of course), and I found a couple of decent programs. But they were really pseudorandom number generators. Of course.
I also remember being disturbed during testing by the fact that, even though I was generating numbers from 1 to 99,999,999, there seemed to be too many small numbers (two-, three-, and four-digit numbers) and not enough eight-digit numbers. Then I realized that there are tons more large numbers than small numbers. And that gave me confidence in the number generator.
Was I right to be confident?
Two people got iPods. I didn’t know beforehand who they would be. I guess that was enough aleatory success for that particular day.
This here thing is called a web log, or blog for short. Maybe you knew that already. If so, that’s a good introduction to WorldWideWeber. Chances are you’ve already thought of everything that will appear here, in which case the entries will serve as pleasant reminders of how insightful you are.
If a novel idea happens to show up in this blog, I apologize in advance.