- Proverbs for Paranoids, 3: If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.—Gravity’s Rainbow
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Tag Archives: politics
The devoted reader of this blog will remember that its proprietor voted for Hillary Clinton in the DC primary. What the reader could not know (unless you know me personally) is that I declared Hillary Clinton toast soon after Super … Continue reading
The other day my friend Thomas (aka The Newsrack Blogger) got into a fistfight at a local bookstore over the question of impeachment. Okay, it wasn’t a fistfight—he had shouting match with Eric Alterman, author of Why We’re Liberals: A … Continue reading
The recent news coverage of Barack Obama’s supposed “plagiarism” stirred up once again the confused pot of ideas I have or seem to have about originality and the overselling of same in the form of “intellectual property rights.” Due to … Continue reading
I voted for Hillary Clinton today in the DC Democratic primary. Why? Let me put it this way. The Homer Simpsons and Montgomery Burnses and Mayor Quimbys and Kent Brockmans have been in charge forever and have managed to make … Continue reading
Larry Derfner, a columnist for the Jerusalem Post, asks a rhetorical question you won’t find anywhere in the US media: How long are Israel and its lobby in Washington going to go on living this ridiculous, transparent lie? How long … Continue reading
Старые привычки … I don’t know if there’s a Russian equivalent for the English phrase: “Old habits die hard.” It would certainly apply to recent events in the Russian hinterland, where workers were ordered to attend pro-Putin rallies in a … Continue reading
The Iraq war protest on Saturday was much smaller than in January, and there were more counterprotesters lining a section of the route to engage in colloquy (ahem) with the antiwar folk. The most common preprinted prowar signs said “PEACE … Continue reading
Joe Conason is not only a well-informed and savvy guy, he’s also a stylish writer who can be wickedly funny at times. Along with the rest of the world, he wrote about Karl Rove’s “retirement.” (If you think that conniving … Continue reading
I’m for it. (Just thought I’d get that out there.) Actually, impeachment × 2. I’m not alone, of course. I’ve resisted the urge to talk about it, though, because I felt it was a dead issue. In a chat with … Continue reading
The New York Times ran an analysis of the Libby case today that argues the verdict will change the way the press covers the government. Would that it does. “Every tenet and every pact that existed between the government and … Continue reading