- Proverbs for Paranoids, 3: If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.—Gravity’s Rainbow
‘Is it about a bicycle?’ he asked.—The Third Policeman Categories
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Tag Archives: photography
In October I attended two very different rallies in Washington, DC. And I did not attend a third, which was different in a different way. The third rally was actually the first, chronologically: Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Honor” shindig in August. … Continue reading
There’s nothing like a new chain to make you feel good about your old bike. Topping off the tire pressure was icing on the cake.
I had intended to use these photos to test a flip-book plugin, but I found it cumbersome for my limited purposes. So I looked at the various WordPress gallery/slideshow plugins and settled on this one (NextGEN Gallery)—for now, at least. … Continue reading
I lost interest in the Great Snowfall of 2010 (February 5–6)* when it became clear we were not going to break any records. Snow, and then more snow, and snow yet again … yeah, we’re having an unusually snowy winter, … Continue reading
Messing around with Google Chrome again. “So what?” you say? You’re right—so what. Five male robins were rummaging around in the dead leaves under the front porch and shrub this morning. It looked like they were looking for food. The … Continue reading
Posted in Random
Tagged corporations, cycling, ecology, education, fauna, music, photography, weather
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I can’t let December pass without recalling fondly the seventeen inches of snow that suddenly showed up. The snowfall of Saturday, December 19 (and a bit on Sunday), broke a bunch of records, the most easily remembered one being “the most … Continue reading
Happy Bloomsday, everyone! And what a lucky day it is. A tweet from uchicagomag (the University of Chicago alumni magazine) led to this wonderful photo showing two of my most favorite things: Looks like she’s absorbed in Molly’s soliloquy. “Yes” … Continue reading
See WorldWideWeber. See WorldWideWeber neglect his blog. Bad, WorldWideWeber, bad!
Sunday was Show Us Your Blog Space Day. I found out about it (belatedly) over at the Newsrack Blog, whose proprietor was invited to participate. I figure my invitation was lost in the mail or something (this being the busy … Continue reading
And now—you be the photo editor (click to enlarge): Yes, it’s pathetic. I take pictures of a dandelion instead of commenting on Virginia Tech, Alberto Gonzales, or Iraq. So it goes. Adios, KV. Hello, babies. Welcome to Earth. It’s hot … Continue reading