- Proverbs for Paranoids, 3: If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.—Gravity’s Rainbow
‘Is it about a bicycle?’ he asked.—The Third Policeman Categories
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Tag Archives: philosophy
To kick off the new year, here’s a story by a Russian writer with a very Polish name: Sigismund Krzhizhanovsky. I’m just starting to explore his works, only a few of which have appeared in English. I thought I’d add … Continue reading
Peddling through Georgetown this morning, I saw this bumper sticker: Don’t believe everything you think A block or so later, this: MILITANT AGNOSTIC I don’t know & you don’t either Skeptic to the right of me, skeptic to the left … Continue reading
Happy Feast of the Assumption! We all make ’em, so let’s celebrate ’em (even if they sometimes make an ass of you and me).
On December 31, I thought about resolving to be even lazier in 2007 than I was in 2006, but I never got around to it.
Posted in Random
Tagged art, automobiles, blogging, consumerism, cooking, cycling, daily life, Dostoevsky, ecology, education, family, food, God, hearth and home, history, language, literature, mathematics, meat, media, medicine, music, mysteries, philosophy, politics, privacy, psychology, religion, science, sports, vegetarianism, WTO
I have been holding my breath this past month, not wanting to jinx the long-overdue electoral retribution awaiting George W. Bush and his gang of miscreants. To kill time, I’ll write some more irrelevant garbage. Today it concerns my 1990 … Continue reading
Informed Comment is where one goes to keep up with events in the Middle East, courtesy of the indefatigable Prof. Juan Cole. For some time now it has consisted of a relentless barrage of bad news—an unending litany of suicide … Continue reading
The thought once occurred to me, years ago, late at night as I was doing the dishes: “Would Henry Kissinger do the things he does, and think the things he thinks, if he did his own dishes?” What I had … Continue reading
Laura sent an e-mail to a mutual friend, letting him know about a Terry Jones show on TV this week, The Story of One. Here’s what she got back: Ah yes, one. It’s given us all a lot of trouble. First … Continue reading
Periodically I receive a little magazine, Tableau, sent to escapees from the Division of the Humanities at the University of Chicago. The Fall 2005/Winter 2006 issue reminded me that Wayne Booth had died and informed me that Paul Ricoeur had passed on as … Continue reading
The home renovation is just about done. It’s incredible how the crumbling plaster and decayed bathroom vanity have disappeared from my memory. Looking at the fresh paint and new fixtures, it’s as if they’ve always been there. I have to … Continue reading