- Proverbs for Paranoids, 3: If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.—Gravity’s Rainbow
‘Is it about a bicycle?’ he asked.—The Third Policeman Categories
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Tag Archives: humor/farce
I wish I could give credit where it’s due, but I don’t know who came up with this gem. I also don’t know how long it’s been around. I found it on Facebook—an unexpected and pleasant payoff for my weekly … Continue reading
You may think this is about a linguistic nicety, the bit that comes before the main part and imparts a nice twist—something came before, or after (pre-, post-); or the word sort of applies (pseudo-); or the action is being done … Continue reading
From the You-Can’t-Make-This-Stuff-Up Dept.—headline, 28 December 2011: Police storm Church of the Nativity to break up brawling priests That’s the Church of the Nativity, in Bethlehem. Not Pennsylvania—the Holy Land. It seems the Armenians wanted to use Spic and Span, but … Continue reading
Now that Barack Obama has released a copy of his long-form birth certificate (the supposed Holy Grail of birtherism), the predictable reponses are already airborne: “Is it real?” (launched by The Donald), “What about his school records?” (ditto), and “What … Continue reading
About a month ago Laura was walking along 41st Street up around Military Road as the winter sunlight was fading. A young man walked up to her and said: “Can you tell me which way is west?” The sky might … Continue reading
I’ve walked past this sign so many times I finally had to memorialize it: Not bad: more than $100,000 a year! Maybe even $200,000! Clearly all income is pure profit—why bother paying for a professional-looking sign? And don’t worry if … Continue reading
Far be it from me to try and predict how the Obama presidency will turn out. Many of us had a feeling the Bush years would be bad, but did any of us dream it would turn out as disastrous … Continue reading
Today was a big day. I read about the world’s oldest joke and heard an old favorite, Haydn’s Symphony No. 93, on XM Radio. Okay, here’s the joke, recorded ca. 1900 BCE by a Sumerian who shall remain nameless: Something … Continue reading
Happy Halloween! [h/t to Ben Samuels via The Beat]
Peddling through Georgetown this morning, I saw this bumper sticker: Don’t believe everything you think A block or so later, this: MILITANT AGNOSTIC I don’t know & you don’t either Skeptic to the right of me, skeptic to the left … Continue reading