- Proverbs for Paranoids, 3: If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.—Gravity’s Rainbow
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Tag Archives: fauna
As part of our continuing series on the Wonderful World of Bugs, I invite you to take a look at this scary-looking thing that I felt crawling on my neck on May 10: I had no idea what it was. But, once again: … Continue reading
As I was having a beer on our front steps after my daily bike ride, a lightning bug landed on a leaf in a pot of mint on one of the steps. It stayed there for some time (it may … Continue reading
I must’ve felt something rustling around on my head. Or maybe I always run my hand through my hair when I take my helmet off after biking. In any case, today I discovered a freeloader: It was escorted out of … Continue reading
I had intended to use these photos to test a flip-book plugin, but I found it cumbersome for my limited purposes. So I looked at the various WordPress gallery/slideshow plugins and settled on this one (NextGEN Gallery)—for now, at least. … Continue reading
I lost interest in the Great Snowfall of 2010 (February 5–6)* when it became clear we were not going to break any records. Snow, and then more snow, and snow yet again … yeah, we’re having an unusually snowy winter, … Continue reading
Messing around with Google Chrome again. “So what?” you say? You’re right—so what. Five male robins were rummaging around in the dead leaves under the front porch and shrub this morning. It looked like they were looking for food. The … Continue reading
Posted in Random
Tagged corporations, cycling, ecology, education, fauna, music, photography, weather
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Just as a neighbor and I began talking seriously about putting up a bat house to attract these amazing mosquito-eating creatures to our mosquito-infested backyards, we learn that, like the honey bee, the bat is in trouble. It may not … Continue reading
The bees are dying: one quarter of the US commercial colonies collapsed last year, and news accounts indicate that Europe has the same problem. Initial speculation centered on cell phones—supposedly the radiation is at just the right frequency to disrupt … Continue reading
“Plavam …”
Martin Strel likes to swim. In rivers. Long rivers. From end to end. The Danube. The Mississippi. The Yangtze. And now, the Amazon. Never mind the piranha and the candirú. It’s the Slovenian red wine that keeps him going—he laughs … Continue reading
While we’re on the subject of insects [ “Spiders aren’t insects!” — “Oh, don’t be such a freaking literalist!” ], here’s an urgent message from Physics Today: In 2005, we all witnessed, via the international media, the devastation that hurricanes … Continue reading