- Proverbs for Paranoids, 3: If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.—Gravity’s Rainbow
‘Is it about a bicycle?’ he asked.—The Third Policeman Categories
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Tag Archives: cycling
Messing around with Google Chrome again. “So what?” you say? You’re right—so what. Five male robins were rummaging around in the dead leaves under the front porch and shrub this morning. It looked like they were looking for food. The … Continue reading
Posted in Random
Tagged corporations, cycling, ecology, education, fauna, music, photography, weather
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Picking up a few loose ones … Armenia Back in August we heard about the incipient rapprochement between Armenia and Turkey that was to culminate in an imminent restoration of diplomatic relations. On October 10, after a last-minute dispute over … Continue reading
Posted in Agora
Tagged Armenia, Cleveland, cycling, ecology, Iraq, politics, Turkey, Washington DC
Far be it from me to try and predict how the Obama presidency will turn out. Many of us had a feeling the Bush years would be bad, but did any of us dream it would turn out as disastrous … Continue reading
Not many notes have been emanating from the basement recently. A lot has been happening upstairs, but the excitement generated there is unlikely to be of particular interest to you. And of course something big is afoot in the world … Continue reading
Posted in Russia
Tagged Cold War, cycling, Dostoevsky, literature, Russia, Washington DC
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And now for a quick roundup of bicycling news. The city of Washington, DC, finally launched its long-heralded bike-sharing program. It proved to be a smash hit, and plans are afoot to expand it. Within days, an attempt was made … Continue reading
Since I’m one-quarter Slovenian, and have observed quite a few Slovenians up close, it doesn’t surprise me that they are capable of remarkable feats of pigheaded persistence. You will recall how Martin Strel last year added the Amazon to the … Continue reading
With gas prices rising with no end in sight, people are looking for ways to increase their mileage. In an article on techniques drivers are using to get farther on a tank of fuel (termed “hypermiling”), we come upon this: … Continue reading
A few weeks ago I saw a Ford commercial on TV that really depressed me. I wasn’t sure I heard it correctly, so I went online to verify the bad news. It was true: e-mail will be infiltrating Ford automobiles. … Continue reading
Peddling through Georgetown this morning, I saw this bumper sticker: Don’t believe everything you think A block or so later, this: MILITANT AGNOSTIC I don’t know & you don’t either Skeptic to the right of me, skeptic to the left … Continue reading
On December 31, I thought about resolving to be even lazier in 2007 than I was in 2006, but I never got around to it.
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