- Proverbs for Paranoids, 3: If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.—Gravity’s Rainbow
‘Is it about a bicycle?’ he asked.—The Third Policeman Categories
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Category Archives: Random
I have this funny urge to do a taxonomy of blogs. Some of the distinguishing characteristics would be: Single author | multiple authors Multiple posts per day | multiple days between posts Blogger does | does not already have an … Continue reading
There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who don’t those who are sick of this joke. (Google says there are about 452,00010 instances of it on the web.)
I had an Inca Kola today at El Pollo Rico. Man, is that stuff sweet! Tastes sort of like bubblegum, which made me wonder: what the heck is bubblegum flavor? I mean, it must be built out of something—some well-defined … Continue reading
I don’t know how it came up, but for some reason our daughter found a reason to tell her mother on the phone that she doesn’t like the word “flab.” Not that she doesn’t like flab itself (which may or … Continue reading
Who would’ve expected to find Lorenz attractors on a box of Godiva chocolates? Here’s a nice Java applet that generates the Lorenz “butterfly.”
Laura does the gardening. I’m an appreciative audience. But when I accompany her to the gardening emporium, she usually says, “Why don’t you pick out something you like?” On Thursday this caught my eye, and now it graces the brick … Continue reading
The conversation went like this. We were walking back from lunch, and I noticed the grass getting long (and remembered how ours needs cutting). I said to Ken: “So, have you cut your grass yet?” It turns out he hasn’t … Continue reading
Not going to name names. But did you know the word is incredibly vulgar? I sure didn’t, or I wouldn’t have put it up there as the title of this blog entry. Now I’ll go back to eating my imaginary … Continue reading
Here in the Basement, we try to avoid two things: Simply pointing to posts at other blogs, no matter how good they are or how much we agree with them; Encouraging the importation and distorted application of complex scientific concepts … Continue reading
The neighborhood squirrels like to hide black walnuts in our yard. I’m not sure where the nearest black walnut tree even is. Today one of them left something behind on the deck railing after its breakfast—sort of a nature morte. … Continue reading