- Proverbs for Paranoids, 3: If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.—Gravity’s Rainbow
‘Is it about a bicycle?’ he asked.—The Third Policeman Categories
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Category Archives: Random
Even before my recent romp through the Susan Sontag wonderland of On Photography, I was a devout photoskeptic (who happens to enjoy taking photos—go figure). This little item at Slate is worth a brief meditation. It concerns a photo of … Continue reading
There is much that is wrong with the world—seriously wrong. One feels silly speaking of this particular wrong. It is admittedly trivial. But it seems to be intractable, and so perhaps worthy of passing consideration. The evil of which I … Continue reading
I haven’t posted much since I got back from the beach. I just wander from blog to blog, enjoying my sense of aimlessness, dropping a dumb comment here and there. All kinds of dumb things have happened in the world, … Continue reading
Snippet of RealLife™ dialogue: She: Those gloves really stink. He: Yep. That’s my car repellant. She: Greeeaaat.
While we’re on the subject of insects [ “Spiders aren’t insects!” — “Oh, don’t be such a freaking literalist!” ], here’s an urgent message from Physics Today: In 2005, we all witnessed, via the international media, the devastation that hurricanes … Continue reading
Greetings from the Outer Banks of North Carolina, where WorldWideWeber (or WoWiWe, as some like to call him) is gradually exchanging his usual subterranean pallor for a more robust brownish cast. He has not seen the “shark” that several others … Continue reading
Well, the Germans have arrived. Five out of five comments in the spam filter today came from Deutschland. All for poker sites. I will say this for them: the comments were extremely terse, with only one link apiece. Chinese spam … Continue reading
A young woman found an album of photographs under the carport of an abandoned building near the Orlando airport. It had been exposed to the elements and the snapshots were in varying states of decay. She took pictures of them and published … Continue reading
Pedicabs have come to DC: Kevin Clark—The Washington Post Currently the fare is $4.50 per 10 minutes of riding. No protection from the elements, but it’s a start.
The other day I found myself whistling a theme from Scheherazade as I pedaled up the ramp in the parking garage, leaving work. And I thought, “Hm.” Not because I was whistling. First of all, the acoustics in the garage … Continue reading