- Proverbs for Paranoids, 3: If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.—Gravity’s Rainbow
‘Is it about a bicycle?’ he asked.—The Third Policeman Categories
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Category Archives: Random
On December 31, I thought about resolving to be even lazier in 2007 than I was in 2006, but I never got around to it.
Posted in Random
Tagged art, automobiles, blogging, consumerism, cooking, cycling, daily life, Dostoevsky, ecology, education, family, food, God, hearth and home, history, language, literature, mathematics, meat, media, medicine, music, mysteries, philosophy, politics, privacy, psychology, religion, science, sports, vegetarianism, WTO
Why I like the New York Times (and New York): The last New York City mechanical parking meter—an emblem of street life, an object of motorist frustration and endless source of fascination for city children since 1951—was withdrawn from service … Continue reading
Gore Vidal was on Tavis Smiley the other night. He was as sharp and funny as always, especially on matters political and historical. True to his stage in life, though, a good chunk of the conversation danced with the notion—no, … Continue reading
… but no cigar. You don’t like to see this in the New York Times. From an otherwise excellent article on the definition of “civil war” and who gets to say whether there is one in Iraq: Large swaths of … Continue reading
Now that things have settled down a bit, I thought I’d post a few photos from our recent trip to Boston. We found time to poke around Concord and, specifically, Walden Pond. Here’s Laura foraging for stones to bring back … Continue reading
I have been holding my breath this past month, not wanting to jinx the long-overdue electoral retribution awaiting George W. Bush and his gang of miscreants. To kill time, I’ll write some more irrelevant garbage. Today it concerns my 1990 … Continue reading
My pal Thomas at Newsrack Blog has tagged me. The task: list five ways I’m weird. Now, being tagged is damnably irritating, as we all know. But it’s twice damnable for a person with limited self-awareness. (Needless to say, I … Continue reading
I haven’t used a conventional alarm clock for years. I have a personal alarm clock named Laura. But recently I’ve needed its services. And for several days now, when it goes off, I find myself thinking, “The alarum has sounded!” … Continue reading
I was at work in Virginia, chatting with my kid, who’s in college in Massachusetts. That in itself is wondrous. (I think I averaged two phone calls per quarter to my parents while I was in school. She talks with … Continue reading