- Proverbs for Paranoids, 3: If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.—Gravity’s Rainbow
‘Is it about a bicycle?’ he asked.—The Third Policeman Categories
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Category Archives: Agora
To date, the crazed vengeful maniac known in some quarters as Yambo has not tried to rename the state of New Mexico. If he did, the purported state of “New America” (or “Trumpiana”?) would possibly put up some resistance. The … Continue reading
America has left me speechless. Thoughts are roiling in my head, but it would be pointless to let them out. This is the one exception. I am speechless.
From the New York Times today I learned about the controversy involving Rebecca Journey’s course “The Problem of Whiteness” at the University of Chicago (my alma mater). Like many, if not most, modern controversies, this one begins with a misunderstanding … Continue reading
The headline for a New York Times op-ed piece: “There is No Happy Ending to America’s Trump Problem.” Stop the presses! Fixing the biggest mistake in U.S. history will not be easy or painless! Who’d’a thunk? The task at hand … Continue reading
You may be tired of Covid, but Covid is not tired of you. Let that sink in. And think about how so many big proud hominids are letting a microscopic bit of pseudo-life outsmart them.
One year to the day after musing about the diet of fireflies, I am awash in bitter thoughts in the aftermath of Roe v. Wade being overturned by the U.S. Supreme Catholic Court. Yes, just days before, the USSCC threw … Continue reading
Months ago, Trump elicited guffaws in the non-Trumpist press and social media when he bragged about an amazing new “hydrosonic missile” purportedly under development. In the intervening time he has repeated the phrase—today, for instance: Note how he uses both … Continue reading
It appears that my beloved baseball team, the Cleveland Indians, is seriously considering a name change. While many thought the only problem with the team’s image was the ignobly grinning Chief Wahoo, others insisted the name itself is racist, even … Continue reading
“Please answer me quite frankly. Are you absolutely convinced it’s plague?” “You’re stating the problem wrongly. It’s not a question of the term I use; it’s a question of time.” “Your view, I take it,” the Prefect put in, “is … Continue reading
Donald John Trump was impeached yesterday. Finally. He got off with a mere two counts, but that is enough to tag him forever as a derelict thug. More importantly, perhaps, the impeachment process made glaringly obvious the thorough decrepitude of … Continue reading