- Proverbs for Paranoids, 3: If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.—Gravity’s Rainbow
‘Is it about a bicycle?’ he asked.—The Third Policeman Categories
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Author Archives: WorldWideWeber
Another April 24 has passed—the 95th since the day in 1915 when Armenian leaders and intellectuals were rounded up as the opening act of an Ottoman plan to rid their lands of all Armenians. For the second year in a … Continue reading
The sky was noticeably clearer this morning here in Washington, the air sweet-smelling and strangely endorphic. I was at a loss to explain why. Then I read the news: Turkey has recalled its ambassador. Seems a committee in the US House … Continue reading
It’s a thought that recurs every time a bit of nature knocks us out of our technological groove: Modern people don’t know how to do nothing.
I lost interest in the Great Snowfall of 2010 (February 5–6)* when it became clear we were not going to break any records. Snow, and then more snow, and snow yet again … yeah, we’re having an unusually snowy winter, … Continue reading
The mercury is pushing 70 today, and some people are actually walking around in shirtsleeves. A typical midwinter Washington heat wave. (Note the three o’clock shadows—already a month from the solstice, but the sun is still lying low.) Two weeks … Continue reading
Messing around with Google Chrome again. “So what?” you say? You’re right—so what. Five male robins were rummaging around in the dead leaves under the front porch and shrub this morning. It looked like they were looking for food. The … Continue reading
Posted in Random
Tagged corporations, cycling, ecology, education, fauna, music, photography, weather
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I can’t let December pass without recalling fondly the seventeen inches of snow that suddenly showed up. The snowfall of Saturday, December 19 (and a bit on Sunday), broke a bunch of records, the most easily remembered one being “the most … Continue reading
Exactly a month ago, while drawing up Obama’s first-quarter report card, I wrote: “Still to be scored is his approach to Afghanistan—he is currently deliberating, and the hope arises he will ditch the simpleminded bellicosity displayed in his campaign and … Continue reading
Today my parents marked 60 years of marriage. Only six of their kids made it “home” to help celebrate (all nine made it for their 5oth anniversary). What’s that? Yes, they’re Catholic. But we like to think there’s more to … Continue reading
Picking up a few loose ones … Armenia Back in August we heard about the incipient rapprochement between Armenia and Turkey that was to culminate in an imminent restoration of diplomatic relations. On October 10, after a last-minute dispute over … Continue reading
Posted in Agora
Tagged Armenia, Cleveland, cycling, ecology, Iraq, politics, Turkey, Washington DC