- Proverbs for Paranoids, 3: If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.—Gravity’s Rainbow
‘Is it about a bicycle?’ he asked.—The Third Policeman Categories
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You will never see an ad here. If you want or need something, we trust you will be able to want or need it without us planting the urge or ache. You certainly do not need our help finding what your heart desires on the internet.- “When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race.”—H.G. Wells
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Author Archives: WorldWideWeber
Here’s how it’s going … The view down the second-floor hallway from the bathroom: The bedroom: Laura’s office:
Laura’s 51st. Her first as a cancer—what? survivor, I guess (better than “victim” or “patient” or “battler” …). Postlumpectomy, prechemotherapy. At the threshold of a long ordeal.
The photo got me thinking in about eight directions at once: about vanity, internet anonymity, blogging styles … okay, maybe not eight, literally. I find that I like it when a photo of the author accompanies an article online, or … Continue reading
Didn’t mean to frighten any children with that picture up there. It didn’t feel right to keep using the image that came with this WordPress theme (although it was tempting—I like the image a lot, and it really goes nice … Continue reading
I spent much of today on two tasks: Trying to get the blog-by-mail function to work; Trying to get rid of a silly stray bullet in the nav area (next to the heading Pages). I failed in the first task, … Continue reading
Of course, nothing’s really random. Nothing comes from nowhere. We’ll use the category “Random” in the slang sense, as in “Where the hell did that come from?” I remember when I had to generate random numbers to pick a couple … Continue reading
This here thing is called a web log, or blog for short. Maybe you knew that already. If so, that’s a good introduction to WorldWideWeber. Chances are you’ve already thought of everything that will appear here, in which case the … Continue reading