- Proverbs for Paranoids, 3: If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.—Gravity’s Rainbow
‘Is it about a bicycle?’ he asked.—The Third Policeman Categories
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Author Archives: WorldWideWeber
While much of North America basks in unseasonably warm temperatures, Russia is enduring one of the coldest winters on record. As usual, Russians are doing more than coping. In Moscow, snowmen appeared in the Arbat and thousands protested against nationalism. … Continue reading
It suddenly dawned on me that WorldWideWeber is not an appropriate name for this blog. After tossing around a few alternatives, I’ve settled on Notes from the Basement. It should be apparent that this is an homage à Dostoïevski,* a nod to … Continue reading
Well, another month has all but slipped away. Make that: another year. My year, that is—the reckoning that began when I stuck my head out of my mother’s belly and thought: “Crap, it’s bright out here!” Moments later, a new … Continue reading
It’s true: I try to be concise. Sometimes this has worked out well. For instance, a favorite professor once wrote on a paper of mine: “Short, sweet, to the point.” On the other hand, my current boss continually presses me … Continue reading
Leave aside the Bush administration’s abuses that have captured our attention recently. It turns out anyone can get ahold of your phone records—and at a pretty affordable price, too. (Kos has more here).
Here’s a sig that resonates: In the future, everyone will have a blog, and none of them will be read. My unread blog will be Symmachus. (Found it over at Daily Kos—a phenomenally widely read blog.)
The home renovation is just about done. It’s incredible how the crumbling plaster and decayed bathroom vanity have disappeared from my memory. Looking at the fresh paint and new fixtures, it’s as if they’ve always been there. I have to … Continue reading
Every once in a while someone manages to encapsulate a complex thought in a few pithy words. As we have watched the Plame/Wilson scandal unfold, many have unraveled the threads to expose the flimsy core: reporters granting anonymity to highly … Continue reading
Submitting new blog entries by e-mail—what a concept! Now let’s see if it works …
When I started this blog, I thought I’d have more to say about current events. But after five years or so of spilling my guts on the family forum, I find that I am depleted. At least for now. Although … Continue reading