- Proverbs for Paranoids, 3: If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.—Gravity’s Rainbow
‘Is it about a bicycle?’ he asked.—The Third Policeman Categories
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Author Archives: WorldWideWeber
Russia would very much like to join the World Trade Organization. Two countries currently stand in its way: The United States and Colombia. Well, one country, really. At least, that’s how President Putin sees it (as reported by Lenta.ru): At the … Continue reading
Here in the Basement, we try to avoid two things: Simply pointing to posts at other blogs, no matter how good they are or how much we agree with them; Encouraging the importation and distorted application of complex scientific concepts … Continue reading
Recently we were all treated to the spectacle of George W. Bush not answering a question put to him by Helen Thomas: “Why did you really want to go to war [in Iraq]?” Today the Independent reports that the US … Continue reading
The neighborhood squirrels like to hide black walnuts in our yard. I’m not sure where the nearest black walnut tree even is. Today one of them left something behind on the deck railing after its breakfast—sort of a nature morte. … Continue reading
Laura sent an e-mail to a mutual friend, letting him know about a Terry Jones show on TV this week, The Story of One. Here’s what she got back: Ah yes, one. It’s given us all a lot of trouble. First … Continue reading
My buddy over at Newsrack Blog has an interesting post on regrets from folks who initially supported the Iraq invasion (including himself). I give them all a lot of credit. It’s not easy to admit a mistake. But what mistake … Continue reading
It’s so nice to stumble on some good news. I think I’ll sit back and enjoy it … While I’m at it, I’ll let a bloggy smile turn into a good laugh (“stuart”’s comment)—as long as I don’t tip my chair back … Continue reading
Now that warrantless wiretaps have apparently become part of the American way of life, can physical searches without a warrant be far behind? [Cartoon by Andrey Bilzho] (who? here!)
Why would a play that ran successfully in London and was headed for New York City suddenly have the rug pulled out from under it? Rachel Corrie, a young American peace activist, died three years ago beneath an Israeli bulldozer in front … Continue reading
Senator Russ Feingold of Wisconsin has introduced a resolution to censure the President of the United States over his illegal wiretapping activities. Feingold deserves all the support we can give him. If you ever wanted to cosponsor a Senate bill, … Continue reading