- Proverbs for Paranoids, 3: If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.—Gravity’s Rainbow
‘Is it about a bicycle?’ he asked.—The Third Policeman Categories
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Author Archives: WorldWideWeber
What a coincidence (see the previous post). Over at Salon, Farhad Manjoo interviews James Carroll, author of a “biography” of the Pentagon, House of War. “[I]f Carroll’s book actually reads … like a story not just of the Pentagon but … Continue reading
The University of Chicago Club of Washington, DC, is offering a guided tour of the Pentagon. According to the description: English is the only language permitted inside the Pentagon. Please do not converse or otherwise communicate in any other language … Continue reading
Who would’ve expected to find Lorenz attractors on a box of Godiva chocolates? Here’s a nice Java applet that generates the Lorenz “butterfly.”
Today persons of Armenian descent worldwide, along with their families and friends, commemorate the genocide that began on this date in 1915. In the face of overwhelming evidence, the government of Turkey, and its friends in high places, continue to … Continue reading
Laura does the gardening. I’m an appreciative audience. But when I accompany her to the gardening emporium, she usually says, “Why don’t you pick out something you like?” On Thursday this caught my eye, and now it graces the brick … Continue reading
A canard has been abroad for years: “George W. Bush doesn’t read the newspapers.” Well, apparently it just isn’t so. In his own words: I say, I listen to all voices, but mine is the final decision. And Don Rumsfeld is … Continue reading
The conversation went like this. We were walking back from lunch, and I noticed the grass getting long (and remembered how ours needs cutting). I said to Ken: “So, have you cut your grass yet?” It turns out he hasn’t … Continue reading
I really should be writing the post I’ve been planning on deteriorating relations between the United States and Russia. It’s just a matter of digesting about eight or nine articles and a couple of major policy statements. So instead I’ll write … Continue reading
This from Haaretz: Just meters from the Brandenburg Gate, the 18th-century structure that came to symbolize Nazi power and was only reopened with Berlin’s reunification, stands one of city’s most beautiful and famous hotels, which is where the American Jewish … Continue reading
Not going to name names. But did you know the word is incredibly vulgar? I sure didn’t, or I wouldn’t have put it up there as the title of this blog entry. Now I’ll go back to eating my imaginary … Continue reading