- Proverbs for Paranoids, 3: If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.—Gravity’s Rainbow
‘Is it about a bicycle?’ he asked.—The Third Policeman Categories
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Author Archives: WorldWideWeber
Well, it least someone is trying to remove the chill from the air. In an interview with the London Times, Putin’s chief of staff said: The problems that have been highlighted recently in the media and political circles have been … Continue reading
Big headline today in Izvestia: Буш отправляет войска охранять южную границу США That is, “Bush sends troops to guard southern border of US.” Which is accurate (I even watched some of the address on “immigration reform” last night, out of … Continue reading
Two days after declaring the elimination of corruption one of his government’s highest priorities, Russian president Vladimir Putin fired ten high-ranking officials. He said the dismissals were not timed to coincide with his state-of-the-nation address, although he said he knew … Continue reading
I have this funny urge to do a taxonomy of blogs. Some of the distinguishing characteristics would be: Single author | multiple authors Multiple posts per day | multiple days between posts Blogger does | does not already have an … Continue reading
Yesterday Vladimir Putin delivered his yearly address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation—the Russian equivalent of the American president’s “state of the union” address. His basic themes were (in order of delivery): The need to eliminate corruption and … Continue reading
There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who don’t those who are sick of this joke. (Google says there are about 452,00010 instances of it on the web.)
I had an Inca Kola today at El Pollo Rico. Man, is that stuff sweet! Tastes sort of like bubblegum, which made me wonder: what the heck is bubblegum flavor? I mean, it must be built out of something—some well-defined … Continue reading
Our beloved vice president has journeyed to Vilnius in the former Soviet Union to criticize the democracy being run by the current Kremlin-dwellers. The Russians, naturally, found him “completely incomprehensible.” (Welcome to the club, друзья.) Cheney also accused the Russian government … Continue reading
I don’t know how it came up, but for some reason our daughter found a reason to tell her mother on the phone that she doesn’t like the word “flab.” Not that she doesn’t like flab itself (which may or … Continue reading
I thought I could get away with just enjoying Stephen Colbert’s brilliant performance at the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner. But I feel strangely compelled to say something, something more than the stray remarks I’ve dropped in my family forum … Continue reading