- Proverbs for Paranoids, 3: If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.—Gravity’s Rainbow
‘Is it about a bicycle?’ he asked.—The Third Policeman Categories
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Author Archives: WorldWideWeber
Gmork is a fictional villain, while Gmörk is a decent white wine from Austria. What a difference an umlaut makes.
Just a link. Discuss quietly amongst yourselves. 😉
Salon has passed on a wire service report about a Russian journalist arrested for making fun of Vladimir Putin: The article was published by Vladimir Rakhmankov, editor of the online newspaper Kursiv in the central city of Ivanovo, said Andrei … Continue reading
Molly Ivins writes: Last week, Bush visited Yuma, Ariz., to tour a portion of the U.S.-Mexico border by Border Patrol buggy. Maybe Jorge was doing a little measuring for the $3.2-million-a-mile fence the Senate recently approved, which I guarantee will … Continue reading
Even Arnaud de Borchgrave, editor at large at Sun Myung-Moon’s Washington Times and United Press International, thinks the Putin-bashing is excessive: Beating up on Russia’s shrinking democracy has become a geopolitical blood sport from Vice President Dick Cheney down to … Continue reading
Make that “water filtered through a horse”: [German soccer fans] are furious that Budweiser will be the official tipple for the World Cup, which starts next month. The American lager has secured a near-monopoly of beer sales inside World Cup … Continue reading
Man, you can’t say anything nowadays without people actually remembering it. Take Tom Friedman. New York Times wise man. The go-to guy for pithy analysis of a complex world. The person for whom “six months from now” never arrives: On a … Continue reading
H1 down, H2 and H3 to go. Katrina vanden Heuvel over at The Nation isn’t optimistic: The good news out of Detroit is that the largest version of the Hummer—the 10,000 pound, less than 10 mpg, $150,000 Hummer H1—is being … Continue reading
Eleven velorickshaws* currently operate in Moscow, tooling around on Tverskoy Boulevard, Tverskaya Street, and in the area near the All-Union Exhibition Center (they haven’t renamed that yet?**). You can’t tell the driver where to take you—for now, at least, the velorickshaws travel along … Continue reading
Robert Scheer writes: “These days, even when George W. Bush is right, he’s wrong.” In his analysis of Bush’s proposals for dealing with illegal immigration, Scheer is quite even-handed—one might almost say kind. Not the usual image of the “hateful left” painted … Continue reading