- Proverbs for Paranoids, 3: If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.—Gravity’s Rainbow
‘Is it about a bicycle?’ he asked.—The Third Policeman Categories
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Author Archives: WorldWideWeber
Why I don’t read InstaPundit. (I know you’ve been dying to know.) I don’t bother with Mickey Kaus either. That guy’s always on the verge of making sense, but never really does. Wait a minute—if I start listing all the … Continue reading
One of these men is leaving Iraq in a matter of minutes. Can you tell which one?
If you like M.C. Escher (and, really, who doesn’t?), you may or may not like the Lego version. And here’s a link to works by Rob Gonsalves. Some people invoke Escher when describing his stuff; some call it kitsch. What say you?
In his review of Cobra II, Andrew Bacevich encapsulates the inherent contradiction of the Iraq invasion as concisely as I’ve seen anywhere: Rumsfeld’s grand plan to transform the US military was at odds with the administration’s grand plans to transform … Continue reading
The US has killed Zarqawi. What does it mean? From the Independent: US forces in Iraq said the killing was a major victory. “We killed him, and it’s always great when you can remove someone that has caused this much … Continue reading
Memorable lines come flying unbidden … Something there is that doesn’t love a wall, That sends the frozen-ground-swell under it, And spills the upper boulders in the sun; And makes gaps even two can pass abreast. Writing at Slate, Shmuel … Continue reading
A couple of months ago, we asked (and tried to answer) a few questions about Russian music download services—specifically: are they legit? Yesterday the International Herald Tribune addressed the same issue, again in the context of Russia’s attempt to join … Continue reading
The Russian online newspaper Kursiv has returned—sort of. (See this post for background.) After a week of “page not found” errors, the curious reader was rewarded with success today at www.cursiv.ru: a single page of text. Here it is in … Continue reading
We have a problem with bacteria. They can make us sick. Sure, we have antibiotics, but it turns out the little buggers are smarter than we gave them credit for. They keep changing, making our medicines ineffective. We also have … Continue reading
Since his campaign headquarters is on the same block as my illustrious place of daytime employ, James Webb‘s thumbnail self-characterization is constantly popping up during my periodic escapes from the asylum.* The former Assistant Secretary of Defense (under Reagan) is … Continue reading