- Proverbs for Paranoids, 3: If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.—Gravity’s Rainbow
‘Is it about a bicycle?’ he asked.—The Third Policeman Categories
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Author Archives: WorldWideWeber
Happy 4th of July, Americans! Let’s be as independent as we can, each of us individually. Love our country, but not just our country. Be curious, in every sense (eccentricity is good). If we don’t care about the rest of … Continue reading
How they see us from across the pond: As Americans prepare to celebrate the 230th anniversary of their independence tomorrow, [a YouGov] poll found that only 12 per cent of Britons trust them to act wisely on the global stage. This is half the … Continue reading
In a recent documentary shown on German television entitled “Russia in a Vise,” and in a book of the same name, the German military expert and journalist Peter Scholl-Latour expresses his certainty that Russia will soon cease to exist as … Continue reading
[The world continues to roil around him, and yet he remains mum. Rainfall of Biblical proportions for eight days straight, a seemingly momentous Supreme Court ruling purportedly putting a vagrant administration in its place, ludicrous Congressional gassing about flag burning (almost … Continue reading
Stephen Cohen has written an excellent piece on America’s wrong-headed (and dangerous) approach to Russia, well worth reading in its entirety. I’ll cut to the chase and quote the end. After noting areas in which Russia is still capable of … Continue reading
Yesterday I asked a quasi-rhetorical question: … but would this administration be smart enough to accept the invitation to depart? This obviously assumes the US has the best interests of Iraqis at heart. There are several competing assumptions: The Iraq invasion … Continue reading
… of hope: Former deputy secretary of state Richard Armitage has told an Australian newspaper that he believes the Iraqis will soon ask the US to leave their country. This would certainly moot the fatuous “cut and run” talk—but would … Continue reading
A Russian friend would periodically make the case that his native language is more expressive than English and, I have to admit, when he rolled out his examples, I was impressed. They were masterpieces of concision and wit. But in … Continue reading
My fellow Americans: If you really love your country, you wear a flag lapel pin, just like our President does. If you don’t wear one … well, we can draw our own conclusion. Question of the day: Can you name … Continue reading
Somewhere in America recently, there was a conference on international strategy. After presentations by three scholars, the floor was opened to questions from the audience. After ten or so, this: “My question to the panel is, What is the path … Continue reading