- Proverbs for Paranoids, 3: If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.—Gravity’s Rainbow
‘Is it about a bicycle?’ he asked.—The Third Policeman Categories
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Author Archives: WorldWideWeber
I’m for it. (Just thought I’d get that out there.) Actually, impeachment × 2. I’m not alone, of course. I’ve resisted the urge to talk about it, though, because I felt it was a dead issue. In a chat with … Continue reading
What keeps a guy off his blog? Well, these kind of things: Launching a redesigned website at his day job. The really fun part is cleaning up afterwards. It’s not just that things don’t always work as planned. It’s the … Continue reading
The bees are dying: one quarter of the US commercial colonies collapsed last year, and news accounts indicate that Europe has the same problem. Initial speculation centered on cell phones—supposedly the radiation is at just the right frequency to disrupt … Continue reading
Who said it? I’m struggling with seeing the deployment of cameras in our local villages as being a benefit to policing. If it’s in our villages—are we really moving towards an Orwellian situation with cameras on every street corner? I … Continue reading
Posted in Agora
Tagged daily life, Great Britain, privacy, security, terror/-ism, U.S.
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And now—you be the photo editor (click to enlarge): Yes, it’s pathetic. I take pictures of a dandelion instead of commenting on Virginia Tech, Alberto Gonzales, or Iraq. So it goes. Adios, KV. Hello, babies. Welcome to Earth. It’s hot … Continue reading
Three weeks after I mention him here in the Basement, Kurt Vonnegut dies. I don’t think there’s a correlation. I mentioned Gore Vidal a while back, and he’s still kicking. From the New York Times obit: To Mr. Vonnegut, the … Continue reading
It should become a new verb: to strel something. To achieve through sheer force of will and bullheaded determination. You know, to do it the Slovenian way. Just throw your body at it.* It may be an act of the … Continue reading
Robin No. 1: What day is it? Robin No. 2: Saturday. Robin No. 1: No, I mean what’s the date? Robin No. 2: April 7, in the Gregorian calendar, the most widely used calendar in the world. A modification of … Continue reading
The devoted reader of this blog will know why its proprietor won’t be concocting his own April Fools’ Day joke. (Besides, his team just got slaughtered in softball, so cut him some slack.) He did manage to find a nifty … Continue reading
Hot on the heels of a widely slammed article about global warming, William Broad of the New York Times wisely took on a cooler subject yesterday: big snowflakes. Hey, wasn’t I just talking about that? Someone’s been reading my mail … Continue reading