- Proverbs for Paranoids, 3: If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.—Gravity’s Rainbow
‘Is it about a bicycle?’ he asked.—The Third Policeman Categories
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Author Archives: WorldWideWeber
The recent news coverage of Barack Obama’s supposed “plagiarism” stirred up once again the confused pot of ideas I have or seem to have about originality and the overselling of same in the form of “intellectual property rights.” Due to … Continue reading
Okay, I’ve got a thing about verbal economy, but maybe this is too damn parsimonious. A while back the online magazine Smith presented a six-word “story” by Ernest Hemingway: For Sale: baby shoes, never worn. A remarkably concise tale indeed—pathos … Continue reading
I voted for Hillary Clinton today in the DC Democratic primary. Why? Let me put it this way. The Homer Simpsons and Montgomery Burnses and Mayor Quimbys and Kent Brockmans have been in charge forever and have managed to make … Continue reading
A day in the life … Today it was announced that the legendary British band Deep Purple will perform in the Kremlin this month as part of the 25th anniversary celebration for Gazprom, the biggest extractor of natural gas in … Continue reading
This is absolutely pathetic, and I don’t recommend it to my younger readers out there, but I’m creating an utterly meaningless blog entry just so that the month of January 2008 appears in the archive list. I’m not going to … Continue reading
I learned something new today. (Did I learn something new yesterday? Hmm …) It’s New Year’s Eve, and I bought a beer I’d never tried—Bell’s Sparkling Ale. I’d tried several Bell’s brews and found them all excellent. Well, here’s how … Continue reading
Sunday was Show Us Your Blog Space Day. I found out about it (belatedly) over at the Newsrack Blog, whose proprietor was invited to participate. I figure my invitation was lost in the mail or something (this being the busy … Continue reading
Even more hair-raising than biking in city traffic is transferring a database-driven website to a new hosting service. At least for me, since I don’t do this sort of thing every day. It all started Tuesday, when the database server … Continue reading
A few weeks ago I saw a Ford commercial on TV that really depressed me. I wasn’t sure I heard it correctly, so I went online to verify the bad news. It was true: e-mail will be infiltrating Ford automobiles. … Continue reading
Larry Derfner, a columnist for the Jerusalem Post, asks a rhetorical question you won’t find anywhere in the US media: How long are Israel and its lobby in Washington going to go on living this ridiculous, transparent lie? How long … Continue reading