

Contrails and wires over Washington

Now we’ll post from the Kindle Fire. I’m sure it will work.

Another colleague who was trying to help in my absence today mentioned that the post was going into the caption. So I guess I need to add a photo and a caption.

Image uploading was a bit tetchy. I needed to add it to my media library—couldn’t just insert it into the post. An extra step—oh, well …

So, here is a photo, with a caption. We’ll see how it renders.

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2 Responses to Fiery

  1. That was all very fine, but you couldn’t move the photo after you placed it, could you? In fact, you couldn’t highlight text in order to cut and paste—neither with the Fire nor the smartphone. This is possibly a deal-breaker when it comes to posting from these devices.

  2. Got the WP app working on the Galaxy tab with no problems. As for my phone: I had problems getting an earlier version of the app to work. Now, one phone and one app upgrade later, I was still having problems (a 500 server error). After mucking with php.ini and .htaccess (with the limited guidance found in Google searches), it still wouldn’t work, and some of the fixes actually caused some interesting issues of their own. Finally, I did what the WP Android folks recommended, but what I dread doing: disabled all the plugins and see if it works. Sure enough, it did. And when I reactivated all the plugins I need, it still worked. Maybe I’ll reactivate the two or three I no longer care about and see what happens. Or maybe I’ll just let a dead dog lie.

    The app allow you to copy and paste text, place images where you want them, add captions, etc. It’s not as fast and flawless as working with a real keyboard, mouse, monitor, etc., but it should work in a pinch.

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