
Peter King (R-NY)
“Are you now, or have you ever been, a Muslim?” (Photo: New York Times)

Rep. Peter King (R-NY), IRA supporter, didn’t say that, as far as I know. But that’s what I “heard” at his “hearing” on home-grown Muslim terrorism (supposedly a greater threat than other forms of domestic terrorism, but not so). I heard the shadow of Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-WI), sibilating despicably from the nether world.

Meanwhile, Banana Republicans in Wisconsin and Ohio are using legislative tactics that have a distinctly foreign whiff to them in their electorally unmandated drive to destroy public-sector unions.

And our president (D in name only) has endeared himself to his Republican friends by reopening military tribunals at Guantánamo.

G. at about 1 year

The recession drags on, millions of homeowners are “under water” with their mortgages, and it’s raining like hell right now.

But 26 short years ago, we drove home from Bethesda at about six in the morning with a little thing in the back seat, slouched in the outsized car seat—a bundled-up pink thing that had first seen the light of night at the birthing center just hours before. (Not to be confused with the bundled-up flying thing at right, which is a bit older.) So it’s a happy day—or, I should say, a happier-than-usual day.

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