
The sky was noticeably clearer this morning here in Washington, the air sweet-smelling and strangely endorphic. I was at a loss to explain why. Then I read the news: Turkey has recalled its ambassador. Seems a committee in the US House of Representatives had the nerve to pass a nonbinding resolution that said a genocide was perpetrated in the twilight years of the Ottoman Empire.

statue of liberty gagged with turkish flagEvery year around this time I find myself asking myself two questions:

  1. When is Turkey going to grow up?
  2. When is the foreign policy establishment of the mighty United States of America going to stop letting itself get pushed around the schoolyard by some punks in Ankara?

They’re unlikely to be answered satisfactorily any time soon, but I’m not going to let that spoil the mood. And I’m not ready to consider them rhetorical questions.

In the meantime, here’s something nice Congress can do: it can reduce its annual aid to Turkey by exactly the amount Turkey spends on public relations in the United States. The American taxpayer is, in effect, paying for Ankara’s attempts to quash legislation and influence our own foreign policy.

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2 Responses to Riddance

  1. fosgen says:

    Все во фриланс, только надо быть профессионалом, и не работать за копейки, сейчас лето и вся молодежи по ломиться в фриланс..

  2. Пахнет спамом …

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