
With gas prices rising with no end in sight, people are looking for ways to increase their mileage. In an article on techniques drivers are using to get farther on a tank of fuel (termed “hypermiling”), we come upon this:

Hypermiling can even make fuel-sipping gas-electric hybrid cars more efficient. Chuck Thomas, 50, a computer programmer from Lewisville, Texas, said he has been getting 71 mpg from his Honda Insight, a hybrid whose EPA rating is 58 mpg, in the two years since he has been hypermiling.

Among Thomas’ techniques is “pulse and glide” in which he accelerates and then coasts with the engine off until around 15 mph when he kicks the engine back on and accelerates again. “It’s the automotive equivalent of skateboarding,” he said.

You don’t want to get stuck behind this guy.

On a happier note, bicycle sharing is finally coming to the nation’s capital. But I have yet to see the pedicab.

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One Response to Hypernutty

  1. Brian says:

    Could I get Chuck’s address so I can send him a cookie? “Pulse and glide”? Did you get that off a porn site?

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