
I voted for Hillary Clinton today in the DC Democratic primary.

Why? Let me put it this way. The Homer Simpsons and Montgomery Burnses and Mayor Quimbys and Kent Brockmans have been in charge forever and have managed to make a pretty good mess of things. It’s long past time for Lisa Simpson to have a chance to run the show.

Do you find Lisa Simpson insufferable? A bit of a know-it-all? Sure, we all do. Do you prefer Bart’s high jinks and dirty tricks? Homer’s lovable incompetence and intellectual laziness? Mayor Quimby’s comfortable if predictable blasts of hot air? Can’t help admiring the undeniable cleverness and longevity of Mr. Burns? Can’t get enough BS “news” out of your TV screen? Stick with the guys, then. They’re totally screwed up—in a sometimes entertaining, sometimes destructive way.

No, I didn’t vote for Clinton just because she’s a woman. But it sure didn’t hurt.

Links for the incurably curious:

  • eriposte at The Left Coaster on preferring Clinton (quite a lot of detail I wouldn’t have had the patience to compile)
  • Stanley Fish categorizes the responses to his blog entry on “Hillary hatred” (not just from the right, mind you)
  • The castration fears of Chris Matthews (speaking for his cohort)
  • Paul Krugman on the “Clinton rules” (and boy did some of his erstwhile admirers turn on him)

As Jimmy Durante used to say, “I got a million of ’em!”

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