
Sunday was Show Us Your Blog Space Day. I found out about it (belatedly) over at the Newsrack Blog, whose proprietor was invited to participate. I figure my invitation was lost in the mail or something (this being the busy holiday season for the good old US Postal Service).

I hadn’t realized there was a pent-up demand for peeking at other people’s “work spaces,” or whatever you want to call them. But I guess it’s human nature, еspecially in these virtual times we live in, to be curious about how other people structure their personal space—their actual physical living place; or let it be structured, if we might assume the existence of a countervailing nonhuman structuring force that bugs the control freaks but provides such a cozy world for the inspired, the distracted, the … slobs.

Be that as it may,* as a semiconscientious blogger who may have a devoted reader, I feel it’s my duty to satisfy the curiosity that, left unfed, would eat away at the innards and, in a colossal ripple effect, like the butterfly in the Amazon, destroy Western Civilization, or at the very least, cause the cancellation of the Super Bowl. Or the banning of commas.

So here it is—my hallowed “blog space”:

Blogging in the Basement

The wine is Dr. Loosen, a nice little white from the sunny slopes of Germany. The wallpaper is the cover of a Soviet children’s book from the 1930s, Вчера и сегодня (Yesterday and Today), written by the great Samuil Marshak and illustrated by V. Lebedev, about whom I know nothing—sorry, V.! The bronze Taco valve serves the first and second stories; the green-blue one (with the blue-green corrosion at the joint) serves the basement.
*Isn’t that a lovely phrase? I would use it all the time, if I could. [back]

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3 Responses to Space

  1. Stark, man. You have the minimalistest blog space yet. But really, all the necessities: a laptop, warmth, alcohol.

  2. Thanks! It also has the necessity, for me, of being a complete fabrication. (Well, the laptop is the one I actually use. And I do drink that wine occasionally. So—an incomplete fabrication, I guess. As usual.)

    Hey, did you get credit for the Taner Akçam I bought off your Powell’s list? Fascinating stuff. Interesting how the Dashnaks were actually working with the CUP in the years leading up to 1915, though neither party trusted the other. Looking forward to your review.

  3. Embarrassed says:

    HAHA omg I can´t believe you put a picture of the boiler room on the internet. Nice. 🙂

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