
My pal Thomas at Newsrack Blog has tagged me. The task: list five ways I’m weird. Now, being tagged is damnably irritating, as we all know. But it’s twice damnable for a person with limited self-awareness. (Needless to say, I have been told this.) And it’s thrice damnable in that the proper task would have been to list five ways I’m normal. For instance, I like to eat popcorn when I go to the movies. Or … hm. Give me a minute …

While I’m digging deep into my icky psyche,* I would suggest the following exercise to all my wonderful readers: every once in a while, switch the leg you put into your pants first. I think you’ll find it refreshing, if not liberating.

Do not, however, attempt to switch hands while tying your shoelaces (i.e., have your left hand do what your right hand normally does, and vice versa). This will drive you insane.
*Josh. I have no intention of doing any such thing.

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One Response to Weird

  1. Your evasions don’t cut it, mister.

    Incidentally, re an older variant of this, I’m finally watching the new Battlestar Galactica on DVD. Wow. Very, very good. The first episodes, anyway.

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