
Didn’t mean to frighten any children with that picture up there. It didn’t feel right to keep using the image that came with this WordPress theme (although it was tempting—I like the image a lot, and it really goes nice with the design). I rummaged around for something that would work in a broad, narrow crop with a light color at the left (I don’t feel like fiddling with the template right now). This was the best I could do for now.

For the sake of truth in advertising, I should mention that the photo was taken on February 22, 2004. It’s a true self-portrait, shot at arm’s length with my old Nikon Coolpix 800. So as I age further, that amberized version of me will correspond less and less.

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One Response to Yikes!

  1. When I wrote this, the page looked like this:

    How the blog used to look

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