
Submitting new blog entries by e-mail—what a concept! Now let’s see if it works …

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6 Responses to Test

  1. Bravo! Now you must never forget the little trick with the apostrophes. Do you think you can remember that, WWW?

  2. The only drawback is that they seem to be coming from the Administrator (although, with this setup, no one will know — the author’s name isn’t displayed). You can always change the authorship later, but what a drag.

    I thought the system is supposed to detect the user associated with the e-mail’s From line. Either I misunderstood, or there’s something wrong in how I set it up.

  3. After looking at the configuration, I suspect the latter …

  4. Your suspicion was well founded. Maybe you should rename the post “Success”!

  5. Should we think of ‘Administrator’ and ‘WorldWideWeber’ as different voices in your head, or characters in an “Our Town” type of play?

  6. On my family forum I have several personae with different “voices.” Sometimes they actually attack one another. One of my avatars is a sort of agent provocateur. But here, it’s just the laziness of a techie schlub that gave rise to two persons talking to himself. Normally, I’m WorldWideWeber. But when I’m futzing with the configuration, I’m Administrator. Sometimes I remember who I am, sometimes I don’t. Just like in real life.

    Looks like the blog lets you publish comments after only one moderation cycle. How very clever of it.

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