
The home renovation is just about done. It’s incredible how the crumbling plaster and decayed bathroom vanity have disappeared from my memory. Looking at the fresh paint and new fixtures, it’s as if they’ve always been there. I have to work to remember how crappy it all looked.

All that’s left is to remove the incredibly fine dust that has settled on all horizontal surfaces and move everything back in its place.

Everything? Maybe not.

It almost seems a shame to hang the pictures again—the rooms looks so nice with nothing on the walls. Who needs a mirror in the bedroom? Maybe we should get rid of most of these books …

Whoa! Okay, we keep the books (most of them). But this attractive emptiness reminds me of Laura’s dream house. As she describes it, there would be one room with absolutely nothing in it. You’d go in there to empty your head. What a luxury that would be. Some would say it sounds like solitary confinement—the “hole,” as they say. Well, what’s the purpose of the hole if not to focus the prisoner’s thoughts on what’s really important? We should all toss ourselves into the hole from time to time.

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3 Responses to Emptiness

  1. Laura has decided she doesn’t want the picture hanging over the bed anymore (and she doesn’t even read my blog!).

    (See the little spot on the wall? That’s the picture hanger.)

  2. Looks empty. Fill it up. 🙂

  3. Okay, I’ll put up a bigger picture hook.

    In the mornings, on sunlit days, the square of window works its way across that wall. Enjoyable to watch, from the comfy chair in the unseen corner at left, stage front.

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