
This is absolutely pathetic, and I don’t recommend it to my younger readers out there, but I’m creating an utterly meaningless blog entry just so that the month of January 2008 appears in the archive list.

I’m not going to make excuses. That would be as boring for me to write as for you to read. I’m not going to point at some other blogs that have been relatively quiet, as if to say, “Hey, that’s what winter is all about. Fields lie fallow. We sleep a lot, perchance to dream.” And so on.

Now, it is true that I’ve read several interesting books and would like to write something pithy and interesting about them to prove to myself that I understood and retained just a bit of them. It strikes me that February would be a good month to do that. So hold your breath, count to 10 to the tenth, and maybe find a pretty book review or two in the Basement.

I’m also overdue for a comment or two about Russia. Lots of stuff keeps happening there, for some reason.

In the meantime, go visit the new blog created by a colleague, Energy For Us All. It’s devoted to renewable energy, and I think it shows great potential.

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One Response to Biding

  1. “Energy For Us All” is no more. It is gone. Kaput. How sad. How modern. Oh, gosh.

    It is a personal loss, in the sense that I knew the person who ran it (or had espoused the person who did). Otherwise I probably would not care. How sad. How modern. Oh, shut up!

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