
I haven’t posted much since I got back from the beach. I just wander from blog to blog, enjoying my sense of aimlessness, dropping a dumb comment here and there. All kinds of dumb things have happened in the world, but I can’t seem to work up the energy to take note of them in writing. Certain things are proceeding as expected (e.g., the implosion of the ruling party). Other things pop up in the dumbest sort of déjà vu way (e.g., the JonBenét Ramsey case*). I wonder as I wander

Oh, I’ve been reading—in dribs and drabs. Read (or reread? help me, brain) Susan Sontag’s brilliant (and hotly disputed) On Photography. Something to provoke thought on every page (just like it says on the back cover, only more elegantly). So I’ve been thinking about photographs—taking them, looking at them, interpreting them, imagining not taking/viewing/interpreting them, etc., but not actually taking any. One can’t help looking at them, can one? They’re everywhere. But in the spirit of late summer languor, I’ve done my damnedest not to interpret them.

During my blog crawl today, I came across a link to a French site called Bonjour America. It’s sort of a one-man web TV show. I’ve only watched two so far: episodes 12 (about cheese) and 13 (wherein the host interviews some French people—at a bistro, looks like—about things American). I found it very amusing, and perhaps you will, too. Don’t worry—it’s in English. Do you think I’d be busting my tuckus on something that’s in French? If I wanted to do that, I’d read L’etranger. [The hat tip goes to John Arivosis. I guess he’s still in a Gallic glow after his trip to France.**]

A highlight of the weekend is that I finally managed to wander into the DC restaurant/bookstore Busboys and Poets, accompanied by my lovely lady friends. Wonderful place. See you there, I hope.
*Isn’t it spooky that Little Miss Sunshine came out this summer? (Answer: No. We will eventually learn that the fraudulent self-confessed perp knew the movie was coming out. You heard it here.)
**Update: It turns out he’s still in France. Well, I’ll be danged.

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