
A canard has been abroad for years: “George W. Bush doesn’t read the newspapers.” Well, apparently it just isn’t so. In his own words:

I say, I listen to all voices, but mine is the final decision. And Don Rumsfeld is doing a fine job. He’s not only transforming the military, he’s fighting a war on terror. He’s helping us fight a war on terror. I have strong confidence in Don Rumsfeld. I hear the voices, and I read the front page, and I know the speculation. But I’m the decider, and I decide what is best. And what’s best is for Don Rumsfeld to remain as the secretary of defense.

He reads the front page. So there.

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4 Responses to Correction

  1. Connie says:

    It’s good to know George is reading the front page. I’m thinking it’s the front page of the New York Post. Or maybe Weekly World News.

  2. Connie says:


  3. The question is, on this particular day, what’s your favorite fruit, song, beverage, shoe, and flower? 

    GWB replies: “My favorite fruit today is, I don’t eat fruit. Don’t like the stuff. Doesn’t agree with me. Song—songs are nice. What else did you ask? Beverage? Diet Pepsi, Diet Coke—one of them diet thingies. Shoes—well, you know I’ve gotta like my shitkickers. If you want to know about flowers, go ask Dean or Kerry or any of them Democrat pansies. Heh-heh. Pretty good, huh? Pansies—a kind of flower.”

  4. Nice try, pal, but no one talks Dubya as well as Dubya. During an interview for the German magazine Bild, the Great Man gives a tour of the Oval Office before the first question gets asked. After explaining the strategy and tactics behind the choice of rug, he points at a painting:

    That’s George Washington, the first President, of course. The interesting thing about him is that I read three—three or four books about him last year. Isn’t that interesting? People say, so what? Well, here’s the “so what.” You never know what your history is going to be like until long after you’re gone. If they’re still analyzing the presidency of George Washington— (laughter.) So Presidents shouldn’t worry about the history. You just can’t. You do what you think is right, and if you’re thinking big enough, that history will eventually prove you right or wrong. But you won’t know in the short-term.

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